Covered by Wool - for the Girls
Commercial first - we have a new greeting card at and we're offering free shipping for a limited time. Blah, blah, blah - frankly I'm a little bitter that the owner is casting himself in most of the cards these days. Anyone can do my little marketing job - I am truly an actress...
I captured this flower in Mexico early in the morning. It reminds me of the beauty God has created all over the earth. It's like this flower's only job is to be beautiful. (I wish that were my only job - I also have to do marketing.)
Anyway, I hate to get all philosophical on you but this began as I was shopping with a friend and her 10 year old daughter - and all good things come from shopping...
There was NOT a nice, modest outfit for a ten year old girl to wear. It was very sad. The flower's beauty above is so simple - it's not showing anything off - it's just what it is, a beautiful flower. This ten year old girl was beautiful too just for who she was, yet the store was only going to sell her something low-cut, tight, low hanging or showing belly. No wonder you humans have such low self esteem. You make even your young think they can't dress modestly and be beautiful. You are beautiful. Don't equate sexuality with beauty and you might find a little more joy in life.
Even when my wool is sheared I ask to keep enough to remain modest, and I wear wool all summer long so don't tell me modest clothes are too warm!
Just be like the flower - simple beauty.
End of philosophy and sadness - we're in the shoe aisle now and they have a two for one sale.